51- Winning the tennis tournament was the realization of her childhood dream.

52- 'childhood friends' are scary.

53- His words carried me back to my childhood.

54- Mother made me eat carrots every day in my childhood.

55- His early poetry draws heavily on his experience and memories of childhood.

56- People seem to think that childhood is a happy, stress-free time, but I think this is a myth created by those with short memories.

57- His unhappy childhood affected his outlook on life.

58- Sometimes it is pleasant to look back on one's childhood.

59- I often remember my happy childhood.

60- John Clausen once remarked that the widening world of childhood spirals out from the parental home.

61- From childhood I was fond of reading, and all the little money that ever came into my hands was laid out in books.

62- Notwithstanding his difficult childhood, he himself became a wonderful father and husband.

63- Hearing loss during childhood can seriously hinder normal language development.

64- He draws on his childhood experiences for the material of most of his stories.

65- Mary Pipher once said that adolescence is a border between childhood and adulthood.

66- I sometimes look back on my childhood.

67- In my childhood, I believed in Santa Claus.

68- I often hear her refer to her childhood.

69- His character was formed in his childhood.

70- We have known each other since childhood.

71- They have known each other since their childhood.

72- She looked back on her childhood.

73- We are living in fear, we are suffering, we are not enjoying the sun and flowers, we are not enjoying our childhood.

74- He always sprinkles his speeches with a few funny little remarks about his childhood.

75- I always got up early in my childhood.

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