26- She cherishes the precious memories of her childhood.
27- He is a childhood friend.
28- The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance.
29- They attributed his bad manners to lack of training in childhood.
30- childhood is a period of rapid growth.
31- I never think of summer without thinking of my childhood.
32- Visiting my old hometown evoked a lot of memories of my childhood.
33- We never really forget the scents of our childhood.
34- Her story brought back our happy childhood.
35- He was quite weak in his childhood.
36- Our feud traces back to our childhood.
37- My grandfather never liked to talk about his childhood because he was illegitimate, and was quite ashamed about it.
38- Discussion question: Talk about a happy memory you have of childhood.
39- Because of my recklessness, I have been playing a losing game since childhood.
40- We used to bathe in this river in our childhood.
41- A person who emerges from childhood without a strong motivation to achieve is unlikely to do well in medical school.
42- Benjamin Spock once suggested that the time a person is a child he is both a child, and learning to be a parent.
43- After he becomes a parent, he becomes predominantly a parent reliving childhood.
44- He seems to think that his childhood was an era of happiness and tranquillity, but I think he has a very selective memory.
45- I've been on close terms with her since childhood.
46- I will mentally return to childhood and do it all over again.
47- Good habits should be cultivated in childhood.
48- I believe that people are intrinsically good, but may become bad due to a difficult childhood.
49- There is a definite link between prostitution and sexual abuse during childhood.
50- She had a happy childhood.
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