51- The Canadian dollar is presently worth approximately 85 cents American.

52- In 1942, Japanese-Canadians were branded 'enemy aliens' by the highest authority in the land.

53- Sharon Wood was the first Canadian woman to scale Mount Everest.

54- Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson was disqualified at the Seoul Olympics after random drug tests showed he was on steroids.

55- The Canadian judiciary has shown a reluctance to jail people convicted of the simple possession of marijuana.

56- When C�line meets friends, she kisses them on both cheeks, in the manner of French-Canadians.

57- There are very limited regional differences in pronunciation in Canadian English.

58- The people of Holland are very grateful to the Canadian soldiers who helped to liberate their country during the Second World War.

59- Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau once remarked that the government has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.

60- Weather is said to be an extremely important aspect of a Canadian's life.

61- Canadian opinion seems to be tilting towards greater acceptance of homosexual marriage.

62- Canadian scientists developed a mechanical arm for use on the American space shuttles.

63- The forced displacement of Japanese-Canadians during the Second World War is one of the most shameful chapters in that country's history.

64- It is arguable as to who has more power over the direction of the Canadian economy, the Prime Minister of Canada or the President of the U.

65- S.

66- A.

67- Studies show that Canadians spend $2.

68- 3 billion annually on brewed coffee.

69- New customs levies imposed by the Americans on Canadian softwood lumber go into effect starting in May.

70- In 1971, Canada had 68 universities, 16 of which were affiliated with another Canadian university.

71- At the present time, one American dollar is equivalent to approximately $1.

72- 35 Canadian.

73- Canadian soldiers were largely responsible for liberating Holland in the Second World War.

74- Despatie's last dive was simply outstanding and should clinch the gold medal for the Canadian diver.

75- I was quite intrigued by the title of the book "Why I Hate Canadians," and just had to read it.

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