26- ScottThe Canadian dollar continues to slide in value, and is now worth 68 cents American.

27- A strong Canadian dollar is having a dampening effect on economic growth in that country, due to its dependence on exports.

28- dareThe Canadian character is often seen as somewhat boring and overly cautious.

29- The Canadian government once described those Canadians who fought in the Spanish Civil War as premature anti-fascists.

30- C�line Dion is a Canadian singer who has become enormously popular throughout the world.

31- Canadian politician Pierre Elliot Trudeau once said, "My life is one long curve, full of turning points.

32- "Pierre Elliot Trudeau once said that Canada will be a strong country when Canadians of all provinces feel at home in all parts of the country, and when they feel that all Canada belongs to them.

33- Former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau once remarked that the state had no business in the bedrooms of the nation.

34- Americans outnumber Canadians in North America by a ratio of about 9 - 1.

35- Margaret Atwood has written a number of well-known Canadian novels.

36- The Canadian team accused the French judge of being biased towards the Russian couple in the Olympic figure skating competition.

37- The stereotype of a Canadian is a person who cuts down trees, and plays hockey.

38- A few years ago, a Canadian man found a lottery ticket worth over $1 million belonging to someone else, and actually returned it to the owner.

39- The value of the Canadian dollar has been fluctuating between 65 and 67 cents American for the last few months.

40- He married a Canadian girl.

41- Margaret Atwood has written a number of well-known Canadian novels.

42- French-Canadians make up about 20 percent of Canada's population.

43- In 2003, Canadian Hayley Wickenheiser became the first female hockey player to be drafted by a professional men's hockey team.

44- The kidnapping of British diplomat James Cross by Quebec separatists was one of the most important events in Canadian history.

45- Many news anchors in the U.

46- S.

47- are originally from Canada because the Canadian accent is thought to be fairly neutral sounding.

48- There is a great deal of political uncertainty in Quebec due to the separatist movement, which would like to see the Canadian province become its own country.

49- chainMany Canadian soldiers went to Holland to celebrate the anniversary of the liberation of that country in the Second World War.

50- The departure of Pierre Trudeau from the federal Liberal party signaled the end of an era in Canadian politics.

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