26- If it is untrue, disregard it.
27- If it is unfair, keep from irritation.
28- It if is ignorant, smile.
29- If it is justified, learn from it.
30- "Hinata criticized her teacher unfairly and the teacher became sick.
31- ScottThe election was boycotted by the Opposition parties, who claimed that the vote was unfair.
32- Poverty with honesty is preferable to wealth obtained by unfair means.
33- The boycott was called to protest against the company's unfair labor policies.
34- She will have it that the conditions are unfair.
35- He tried to rationalise his cheating by suggesting that the test itself was unfair.
36- Boycotts can be an effective way to pressure businesses or governments into taking action to end unfair laws or business practices.
37- Unless Japan eliminates those unfair tariffs, the U.
38- S.
39- will impose sanctions.
40- It is important for bosses to avoid any perception of unfairness when dealing with employees.
41- Jackson found her suggestion that he was being unfair to be thoroughly objectionable, and totally unfounded.
42- A wise man once said, "Don't mind criticism.
43- If it is untrue, disregard it.
44- If it is unfair, keep from irritation.
45- It if is ignorant, smile.
46- If it is justified, learn from it.
47- "Whenever he talks about how unfair it is that his wife has custody of his children, he omits any mention of the fact that he never spent any time with the kids before getting divorced.
48- The American softwood lumber industry is petitioning their government to increase tariffs on Canadian softwood products for what it considers unfair trade practices.
49- A wise man once said, "Don't mind criticism.
50- If it is untrue, disregard it.
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