76- Many are also using the more sophisticated weapons that flowed from Libya after the fall of Moammar Gadhafi in 2011.
77- McCallister first saw the buck on a trail-camera picture early in the fall of 2009.
78- Meanwhile, in the fall of '79, the Jets joined the National Hockey League.
79- Meet Me at the Bell Tower started in the fall of 2011.
80- Michele Pineault wraps up the box containing her daughter's remains, which were returned to her in the fall of 2014.
81- Milburn credited the drop to adjusting the days and hours for several branches in the fall of 2013.
82- Most curious is that the two weeks around the fall of Srebrenica have remained totally blacked out.
83- Now, Donbas residents must have the opportunity to elect true local governments in the fall of 2014,' he said.
84- Pollards health rapidly started to decline going in to the fall of that year.
85- Redding said his lengthy medical issues began in the fall of 2012.
86- Sarah and her parents went into hiding in the fall of 2013.
87- Seiler recounts the summer of 1989 before the fall of the Berlin Wall from his protagonists point of view.
88- She said in the fall of 2012 things appeared to get worse.
89- She was involved in NBC's exclusive coverage of the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989.
90- Since the fall of dictator Moammar Gadhafi four years ago, Libya has been racked by violence and instability.
91- Since the fall of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, a number of Islamist movements have taken hold.
92- That project is expected to be completed by the the fall of 2016.
93- The 19-year-old cannot be identified because he was a minor at the time of the offence in the fall of 2011.
94- The banks plan to put digital chips for storing account information on debit and credit cards by the fall of 2015.
95- The entire project won't be complete until the fall of 2017.
96- the fall of Knossos took place circa 1400s BC.
97- the fall of man is just one pertinent aspect of the Adam.
98- the fall of Napoleon & the Congress of Vienna.
99- the fall of Ramadi was rather due to mismanagement and poor planning by senior military commanders, he said.
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