26- 'It is the best way to safeguard the rights of our shareholders and creditors,' Wu said.

27- 'JPMorgan Chase has served its customers, shareholders and communities for more than 200 years.

28- 'Sibanda is no longer a shareholder or a director.

29- 'Those are real dollars spent by public companies, many of their shareholders are Yukoners.

30- 'To be a shareholder at Amazon, you really have to believe in Jeff Bezos' view of the world.'

31- 'We are deeply sorry to our shareholders,' Wu said.

32- 'We need to determine the percentage by which these shareholders need to reduce their capital investments.

33- 'We will do what is in the best long-term interests of our customers, employees and shareholders.

34- A European Union bonus cap lets banks double bonuses if they win shareholder backing.

35- A. Bank Clothiers to about $1.61 billion and is taking the bid directly to its rival's shareholders.

36- AbbVie slipped after Shire said it was ready to recommend the company's latest offer to its shareholders.

37- Add More Videos or Photos You've contributed successfully to: Buffett shareholder letter due out March 1 Thanks!

38- After the deal is completed, Acer will become PChomePay's largest shareholder.

39- After the proposed deal, Lee becomes the largest shareholder in the combined entity with a 16.5 percent stake.

40- Almost half the votes of independent shareholders -- 46 percent -- were cast in favor of the resolution.

41- Along with the spinoff, Fiat Chrysler will distribute its 80-percent remaining stake to FCA shareholders.

42- Among other things, angry shareholders stripped him of his chairman's title earlier this year.

43- And he said he will continue to try to drum up support from fellow shareholders for his buyback proposal.

44- Another major shareholder, SJSC "Sacam International" (member of Credit Agricole S.A.), has a 12.44% stake.

45- Another shareholder, Felipe Izquierdo, asked Brufau: "Have you not learned your lesson?"

46- Apple, for instance, buys shares back to deliver cash back to shareholders.

47- As a result, 'for US investors, a major risk is that the Chinese shareholder..

48- As part of its overhaul, Toshiba has launched a new management team, which won approval from shareholders on Wednesday.

49- At most, they're answerable to their shareholders, who demand high share prices whatever that requires.

50- At the same all corporations should be required to open their books to their shareholders and the public.

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