26- She failed to keep her promise.
27- They failed to get any definite information.
28- He failed to become a cabinet member at that time.
29- They failed to come on time owing to the traffic jam.
30- In 1961, Cuban exiles, supported by the U.
31- S.
32- , tried and failed to regain power in Cuba.
33- We failed to bring him to agree to our plan.
34- My brother failed to pass the examination.
35- He failed to come on time.
36- She failed to appear.
37- He failed to escape from the fire and burned to death.
38- He never failed to keep his promise.
39- He failed to do what he said he would do.
40- The government has failed to present any credible evidence supporting its claims.
41- In our plans, we failed to take the weather into account.
42- Mahatma Gandhi never failed to uphold the principle of non-violence in his protests against British rule in India.
43- She failed to understand a single word.
44- I failed to recall the song's title.
45- Having accepted the invitation, he failed to show up.
46- Countless inquiries into the assassination of John F.
47- Kennedy have failed to determine whether his killer acted alone.
48- The thesis was dismissed after experiments failed to reproduce the original results claimed by the author of the study.
49- He failed to come yesterday.
50- An unusual wedding ceremony ended in tragedy when the bride's parachute failed to open.
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