51- People all over the world are anxious for peace.

52- The explosion blew out windows all over the area.

53- He went all over town in a vain search for a job.

54- Stones collected from all over the world are used.

55- It is all over with me.

56- It can't be helped.

57- Our city is known for its beauty all over the world.

58- Tiny blossoms have come out all over the river bank.

59- It was easy for them to be famous all over the world.

60- The blizzard has shut down airports all over the state.

61- The papers in the room were scattered all over the floor.

62- Tyra spilled coffee all over her new blouse, staining it.

63- I accidentally spilled coffee all over my wife's new blouse.

64- My children's bedroom has toys scattered all over the place.

65- The barking of the seals could be heard all over the island.

66- I will mentally return to childhood and do it all over again.

67- Forest conservation is an important issue all over the world.

68- I searched all over the house, and I can't find my other sock.

69- New office buildings seem to be sprouting up all over the city.

70- After working on my motorcycle, I had grease all over my hands.

71- We currently have well organized sales offices all over Japan.

72- The team consists of the best players from all over the country.

73- We searched all over for our cat, but couldn't find it anywhere.

74- We searched all over town before finding the apartment we wanted.

75- I have a collection of silver tea spoons from all over the world.

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