1- I have given up smoking for good and all.

2- The dog ate the fish, bones, tail and all.

3- He jumped into the water clothes and all.

4- Again, I know she's a polarizing figure for some, but I love her, voice and all.

5- Bread dough can go right on the grill (think grilled pizza), and biscuits can, too - muffin pan and all.

6- Hey, we have a national Guard with helicopters and all.

7- I actually LOVE my body, saggy boobs, muffin top, and all.

8- I'm a lot more comfortable than he is, says Wade, elbow injury and all.

9- It sure feels good to be home with him, wisecracks and all.

10- Saucepans and all. 8. You are going to be a great mum.

11- Thank you and may God bless you one and all.

12- To know a Type A person is to love them -- flaws and all.

13- A big sacred stone over there was called 'Nagaru Devta'- a God of Shepherds, revered by one and all.

14- And then there's the issue of the monster tsunami that drowns San Francisco, skyscrapers and all.

15- But when they enter the dining room, they find it set for a dinner, candlelight and all.

16- 'Happy' Fanny Fields, They were all made here- scenery, dresses, jokes and music, and all.

17- He would want to remodel it immediately, the platform area and all.

18- Here, the carnal notion of man is sublimated and explained from the macrocosmic standpoint of existence of all and all.

19- His wavy brown hair looked ungovernable, but his eyes seemed to see all, to know all, to understand all.

20- In 1903, he wrote Jacob Dinesohn from Paris, authorizing him to sell his remaining possessions in Romania, clothes and all.

21- Second, that the people's music is the music people like, Mantovani strings and all."

22- So he's pretty charged about trying to figure it out and work with the position and all.

23- The sun god is worshipped with great fervour and enthusiasm by one and all.

24- They don't have to make an appointment or knock on a door - I'm open to talk to one and all.

25- We take every sound bite at face value - exaggerations, outright lies and all.

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