1- They all termed it nonsense.

2- He does not watch TV at all.

3- I disposed of all the books.

4- He was not at all satisfied.

5- They all burst out laughing.

6- Not all of them are present.

7- He traveled all over Europe.

8- He used all available means.

9- He measured all his shelves.

10- I think of you all the time.

11- Are all passengers on board?

12- Everything is all right now.

13- Those standing were all men.

14- My answer will be all right.

15- He kept silent all day long.

16- We all have passed the test.

17- Great pains but all in vain.

18- He kept walking all the day.

19- The baby screamed all night.

20- It is all right so far.

21- EldadBy all means, you must come.

22- He didn't turn up after all.

23- My family are all very well.

24- The choice is all up to you.

25- He will be here all evening.

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