1- As with any project, it doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing approach.

2- There's nothing like an all-or-nothing game and this is exactly what this is this weekend.

3- The final all-or-nothing question contains four choices.

4- The main innovations were triple turrets and all-or-nothing protection.

5- This phenomenon is known as an all-or-nothing response.

6- Academic growth is not an all-or-nothing proposition.

7- This put customers into an all-or-nothing situation.

8- Or was it an all-or-nothing ball game?

9- An argument can be made favoring the all-or-nothing approach.

10- Breakfast has often tended to be an all-or-nothing affair.

11- I completely disagree with such all-or-nothing views on Europe.

12- It was all-or-nothing coverage , demonstrating an almost "tabloid" sensibility.

13- It's an all-or-nothing leap of faith.

14- They may be stuck with something close to an all-or-nothing choice.

15- That is why I am not insisting on an all-or-nothing .

16- There's an all-or-nothing quality to his relationships.

17- Incremental reading does not require all-or-nothing choices on articles to read.

18- Peterson, though, isn't an all-or-nothing hitter.

19- For some of the students, science demanded an all-or-nothing commitment.

20- The matter is not all-or-nothing , but that of moderation.

21- She insists this is an all-or-nothing fight for adoptees.

22- One of the prevailing myths is that this is an all-or-nothing proposition.

23- Togetherness Virtual practice and elawyering are hardly all-or-nothing propositions.

24- Kneedler disagreed that Congress viewed the law as an all-or-nothing proposition .

25- It is also important to recognise that illicit markets are not all-or-nothing phenomena.

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