1- Object: The object case also has two allomorphs .

2- The comparative "er" in the word nicer is an allomorph .

3- Note that morphology in this context refers only to allomorphs .

4- He also uses a number of special symbols for vocalic allomorphs .

5- The superlative "est" in nicest is an allomorph .

6- Term used by Bloomfield (1933) meaning allomorph or morph.

7- These forms each have predictable allomorphs .

8- The word man doesn't take an allomorph , because its irregular.

9- How should one know the meanings of allomorph or T-G grammar?

10- allomorphs : These are different phonetic forms or variations of a morpheme.

11- Use of different allomorphs in free variation is attested for at least some verbs.

12- allomorphs are formed by morpho-phonemic rules.

13- For example, these could take the form of allomorphs of the same morpheme.

14- Morpheme suffix categories may have one or more allomorphs , which are given in the table below.

15- The copula 3rd person singular "to be" when contracted the z sound is an allomorph .

16- The choice of allomorph for a particular word is determined by the final phoneme of the noun stem.

17- The absolute suffix has a different allomorph when it occurs with a noun from each of these classes.

18- An inflected morpheme is also called an allomorph . Each allomorph is both a phoneme and a morpheme.

19- An inflected morpheme is also called an allomorph . Each allomorph is both a phoneme and a morpheme.

20- Remember allomorphs are formed by morpho-phonemic rule s. These are variations of morphemes that occur in specific phonetic environments.

21- Each is listed with the "-ma" suffix (or its allomorph ), which signals aspectual unmarkedness.

22- Remember that in this dialect the allomorphs of plural and possessive are often omitted due to phonological and morphological rules.

23- No matter how the constraints are re-ordered, the 'is' allomorph will always lose to 'iz'.

24- The perfective or completive ending "-ta", and its allomorph "-da", marks an action or an event as a whole, often one that has previously taken place.


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