1- For an all-in-one solution that you can prep ahead, try these homemade protein bars or overnight oats.

2- For £299, you get an Action Cam and a 30-day, 2GB data plan, or 2GB every month for 12 months for £399 all-in.

3- Looking back, the Seahawks made a crazy, all-in championship play by going after Manning.

4- You see, this festival tends to go all-in on the ridiculous.

5- 'You look at the spectrum of devices, from phones to tablets to detachables, notebooks, desktop towers, all-in-ones.

6- 5. BEDDING that didn't come in an all-in-one bag.

7- all-in-all, as a Yacht Club guest you feel like a movie star relaxing on the Italian Riviera.

8- all-in-all, those who still work during the holidays learn to embrace the holiday spirit in any way they can.

9- And, like it or not, by wrapping her arms around the Roosevelts, she's all-in on the dynasty issue too.

10- Even those folks who didn't jump all-in on college basketball until the brackets dropped are smiling.

11- Everyone has the notion that we went all-in last year and were very aggressive and that's very true.

12- For anyone interested in all-in, full-freight period re-creation, the film is worth seeing for this alone.

13- He told us he's all-in, center Luc Brodeur-Jourdain said.

14- I see Buffett‘s all-in wager, with private capital, as good news and it is painting a picture of where we need to go.

15- I see Buffett‘s all-in wager, with private capital, as good news and it is painting a picture of where we need to go.

16- Kromtech describes MacKeeper as an all-in-one software package for protecting and maintaining Mac OS X systems.

17- Next: Switched On: The next steps for digital wellness, part one How would you change Vizio's 24-inch all-in-One?

18- Of course, makers of traditional gloves point out the obvious drawbacks of these all-in-one gloves.

19- Once you make your decision, you go all-in with it.'

20- That's an odd omission, but we expect it will be corrected quickly, now that Bolt is going all-in on HTML5-based apps.

21- We are seeing more and more stay-at-home dads, enabling more women to go all-in in their careers, he said.

22- all-in-all, the game was a success, with the All-Stars winning 4-3.

23- Apple is all-in with Retina displays on the entire iOS line for phones and tablets.

24- But Minkowski had math and evidence on his side, so he could afford to go all-in.

25- If there are side pots, an all-in player may be active in some pots, but not in others.

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