1- For this year , we will be addressing black areas ( accident-prone stretches) and add overtaking lanes all along.

2- I knew it all along.

3- We knew it all along.

4- He knew it all along.

5- I was wrong all along.

6- I've known it all along.

7- They must have known it all along.

8- I knew that all along.

9- marcelostockleThey had been thumping the drum all along.

10- I knew all along that he was telling a lie.

11- The oil spill has spoiled beaches all along the coast.

12- We should have been fully aware of this risk all along.

13- We planted vines all along the chain-link fence in order to cover it.

14- I said all along that he was not a person to be trusted, but you would not listen to me.

15- The slick has contaminated beaches all along the coast, killing thousands of sea birds, fish and marine animals.

16- Nike running shoes were found all along the west coast of the island after a freighter carrying a shipment of sports gear from the Far East sank in a storm.

17- He has lectured and narrated cruises all along the New England coast.

18- My fear with gut strings all along was that I was going to lose my voice.

19- But there have been widespread doubts about Fusion's prospects all along.

20- ADP confirms what we saw all along and I think tomorrow's jobs report is strong.

21- It laid bare the extent of the flooding in the city and all along the coastline.

22- And that's what's been happening in this country all along, even during slavery."

23- As crazy as it is, we're still right in the hunt for what our goal was all along.

24- Her 70-minute address included very little that deviated from her policy all along.

25- Prizant realized the boy had been hearing - and reacting to - the barking all along.

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