1- Account books are easily accessible to all the member-sisters, ensuring transparency.

2- Leveson enclosed all the woodland, simply abrogating the commoners' rights.

3- This sophisticated structure essentially unites the ideas of all the above-mentioned physicists.

4- The EU abjectly followed His Master's Voice and adopted all the hardcore sanctions against Russia they were discussing last week.

5- The abbess had precedence over all the other abbesses in England.

6- The abbess had precedence over all the other abbesses in England.

7- In spite of all the traumas of the last four years Meg's inner self was too confidently rooted to be prone to that kind of sexual or social self-abasement .

8- I stood all the way.

9- I'm busy all the time.

10- He dozed all the while.

11- I was here all the time.

12- It's all the same to me.

13- He is busy all the time.

14- Where are all the others?

15- I'm seeing all the sights.

16- He walked all the way home.

17- He told me all the details.

18- He solved all the probleMs. I disposed of all the books.

19- I think of you all the time.

20- He kept walking all the day.

21- She lay in bed all the time.

22- She was talking all the time.

23- We found all the boxes empty.

24- He kept all the windows open.

25- She kept crying all the time.

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