76- She gave up meat, except for fish, she said, because raising animals for agriculture pollutes.

77- What people don't appreciate is just how intensive agriculture is around the world, Mack added.

78- E.I.): agriculture and Agri-Food Lawrence MacAulay has run and won in eight election campaigns.

79- That is according to a new report by the United Nations Food and agriculture Organisation (FAO).

80- The agriculture minister further disclosed that some 234 farmers have been employed at the park.

81- There's a lot of conversation about traditional agriculture recently, and much of it is critical.

82- In Kosovo, it supports more than 400 projects in the fields of agriculture, health and education.

83- Compared with organic agriculture, biodynamic agriculture is more radical - and more controversial.

84- Dee Vaughn (Vaughn Farms) of Dumas was on the agriculture Team meeting with several representatives.

85- The Department of agriculture and Department of Health promulgated the law's IRR on February 20, 2015.

86- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie speaks during the Iowa agriculture Summit, Saturday, March 7, 2015, i �

87- agriculture officials speculated that adulterated feed given to hens could explain melamine in eggs.

88- agriculture protection is high on the agenda of the (stalled) Doha Development Round.

89- United States Department of agriculture special agents .

90- Agrarian kingdoms had agriculture as the main economic activity.

91- Both Luuq and Doolow have sizable agriculture output.

92- agriculture employs 80% of the nation's labour force.

93- However, the region's largest industry is agriculture.

94- Video on agriculture Activities in Developing Nations.

95- agriculture began in the area during this time period.

96- This type of barn is very common in modern agriculture.

97- Research Branch, agriculture Canada, Ottawa. pp. 1-121.

98- These people already practiced some kind of agriculture.

99- Previously, agriculture had dominated the city's economy.

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