1- CP Foods is part of the CP Group, which is one of Asia's biggest agribusiness-based conglomerates.
2- A native of Sudan, Texas, Brooke graduated from OPSU with a degree in Animal Science and agribusiness.
3- This agribusiness sector employs between eight and ten million workers.
4- Two important industries are automotive and agribusiness .
5- Some agribusiness owners reported lower commodity prices compared to last year.
6- But now angry agribusiness groups are fighting back.
7- Big agribusiness growing tasteless carbon copy products for mass consumption overseas?
8- The electricity will attract investments in agribusiness .
9- agribusiness has been the natural business model in this context.
10- Among the products of agribusiness soy is the leader.
11- The company is presenting at an agribusiness conference tomorrow .
12- The dairy industry became a $100,000 a year agribusiness .
13- Before that, he was instrumental in launching agribusiness startups.
14- He started his career as an engineer working in agribusiness .
15- Don't rely on agribusiness to feed you.
16- Or the agribusiness giants, for that matter?
17- Medium-sized family farmers and big agribusiness should show up, too.
18- Elders Limited is an Australian-based agribusiness company.
19- agribusiness fuelled by our mindless obsession with cheap food is the cause.
20- Perdue agribusiness currently employs approximately 50 individuals in Delaware.
21- The agribusiness giants are not going to back down without a fight.
22- In addition to beer, agribusiness in Chuvashia has growth potential.
23- agribusiness represents 5.2% of GDP (2006).
24- BASF, shopping platform for their agribusiness portal.
25- You are probably for commercial gold mining what gleaners are for agribusiness .
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