1- The population was 80 percent peasant agriculturalists living in villages.
2- Native women were agriculturalists and owned the fields.
3- Intergenerational wealth transmission among agriculturalists tends to be rather unequal.
4- It was here that he developed as an agriculturalist .
5- Berber desert nomads were typically in conflict with Berber coastal agriculturalists .
6- All three groups of settlers were stock-keepers rather than agriculturalists .
7- The ancestral human not a agriculturalist his pray gatherer human.
8- He is the only agriculturalist ever to have been so honored.
9- As agriculturalists , we must realize that we're serving people.
10- Among these peoples were the Kassena agriculturalists .
11- Secondly, non-agriculturalists must have contact with agriculturalists .
12- Haraszthy contributed articles to newspapers and made speeches to gatherings of agriculturalists .
13- Most Salagamas were casual labourers, cinnamon peelers and agriculturalists .
14- Organic agriculturalists have provided the rationale and technology for chemical-free landscape management.
15- In the sixth millennium BC Andalusia experiences the arrival of the first agriculturalists.
16- About 95% are settled agriculturalists and nomadic pastoralists, practising archaic farming methods and living at subsistence level.
17- The massacre at Kilelengwani followed a string of attacks between the agriculturalist Pokomo and pastoralist Orma communities.
18- In 2003, Dutch agriculturalist Marc de Ruiter saw dairy farmers in windswept Shanxi province literally pouring their milk down the drain because there was not enough demand.
19- They were agriculturalists , raising animals in captivity as well as growing crops.
20- While the monarchs were Buddhists, land grants to Brahmin agriculturalists was common.
21- He was named agriculturalist of the Year by the bureau in 1991.
22- As described above, Pokomos are Bantu and agriculturalists .
23- Firstly, agriculturalists must be willing to give forth their knowledge to others.
24- The Kazakhs weren't agriculturalists to begin with - they were nomadic herdsmen.
25- Vedda identity also depends on whether these clans are hunter-gatherers or settled agriculturalists .
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