1- Logically speaking it is not possible sail among the mid Pacific islands and not go aground .
2- Use extreme care in approach to ledge as you can go aground very easily and fishing boats troll this area.
3- What remains unexplained is why it should have been necessary for the Deutschland to go aground , so preventing the nuns from continuing their service to God.
4- A narrow bend in the river, a rocky stretch or a sudden shallows could cause the logs to go aground and pile up.
5- They went aground on the beach or bar in winter.
6- If he went aground history would record it as another lost ship.
7- Through a series of problems the Kulluk went aground .
8- August 2 .--The steamship Georgian went aground off Duxbury Reef.
9- The Japanese team is from a fictional submarine that went aground on Swedish rocks.
10- While bombarding Fort Mifflin, the "Augusta" and "Merlin" went aground .
11- In 2007 the container ship MSC "Napoli" went aground off Branscombe beach in Devon.
12- A transport brig from the convoy went aground elsewhere on the same night but was got off later.
13- Another yacht which went aground near the approaches to the River Crouch managed to refloat before help arrived.
14- In March 1911, the "Kingdom" went aground and was destroyed off the coast of French West Africa.
15- On December 3, 1849, the "Nancy" with a cargo of bricks went aground on Plum Island.
16- SIX men on a sea angling trip were rescued after their vessel went aground off the coast of north east Scotland.
17- Two ships that had set out from the United States with 105-mm. howitzers for the 1st Division had failed to arrive; one went aground in Halifax Harbor, Nova Scotia, and the second, sent to replace the first, had to put in at Bermuda because of shifting cargo.
18- Fortunately, when Clytus went aground , the master and crew were able to scramble ashore through the breakers on Barassie's sandy beach, and the vessel was recovered undamaged a few days In an infamous storm on 7th January, 1839, which sank many boats in the Firth, Clytus was blown away from her moorings in Troon harbour and went aground on Barassie beach.
19- r they ran aground, and sailed pleasantly in company for more than an hour, finishing that channel and getting to the Dump Key Channel, where we both went aground .
20- Consequently, I tore a chunk out of the dock, which, I thought, was preferable to explaining to a court martial that we went aground because we had no accurate charts.
21- She had only partially gone aground , and the tugs pulled her off.
22- The 34 foot sailing yacht had gone aground on its passage through the Wrach Channel to the Locks.
23- Portaferry Lifeboat crew paged by Belfast Coastguard following a report from the skipper of the yacht that had gone aground the previous evening on the South Rock, Strangford Lough, that his yacht was taking in water.
24- Shortly before the arrival of the lifeboat, the 36ft yacht, with 9 persons on board, had gone aground just before low water off Chapel Island in strong to gale force northerly winds with a headsail and spinnaker flying, resulting in the vessel being dThat day, she received on board 140 officers and enlisted men from the minelayer , which had gone aground during the typhoon.
25- She also conducted salvage and wreckage clearance operations on a sunken Italian destroyer and towed HMS "Thruster" off a nearby beach where she had gone aground .
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