1- Our western prairie shakes with fever and ague .
2- These lines is ill with ague .
3- An ague , leaving many dead.
4- That autumn the entire family fell ill with the ague but all survived.
5- Whilst here, Colonel Beckwith was seized with a violent attack of ague .
6- It is a sickly time at present with the feaver and ague .
7- The gayest colours of the rainbow amid the ague Able green of fresh leaves.
8- Nearly all of the settlers experienced fever and ague , and several perished from it.
9- His home cures included hanging three spiders around his neck which "drove my ague away".
10- Some die of the ague .
11- I was ill at the time with the ague but I remember the verdict being recorded.
12- At first I thought it was some ague but it proved to the Sweating Sickness.
13- Chuck , you just provided the very impetus for which us pro 2A people constantly ague .
14- Athelstan studied the jars, dismissing them as nothing but mild cures for ague , aches and pains.
15- Many persons who have a raging war-fever before going into battle are apt to get the ague afterward.
16- She stuck her chin in the air and glared - underneath shaking as if she had an ague .
17- On the 15th of August thirteen ounces of blood were drawn from him and the tertian ague supervened.
18- The trees shook, all their young leaves shivering as if with ague or fear of the approaching storm.
19- Someone living in swampy areas would be more susceptible to the ague than someone living in a hot dry land.
20- It is likewise termed autumnal ague , when it happens in autumn, and vernal, when in the spring.
21- Richard now pressed on to Salerno, where he wanted to discuss a recurrent ague with the city's famous doctors.
22- Those two things are unchangeable, no matter how they may ague about the authenticity of of Christ as our salvation.
23- Febrile is from the Latin word "febris", meaning "fever", and archaically known as " ague ".
24- Some months before he had called to visit young Sir Harry Vane, who was just recovering from an attack of ague .
25- Persons afflicted with ague are instructed to visit the nearest crossroads five times in succes- sion and there bury a new-laid tgg.
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