1- It is highlighted by an agro-industrial fair.
2- Nabua has a potential for agro-industrial development.
3- The regime had plans of transforming the delta into a large agro-industrial zone.
4- Dalmianagar was a large agro-industrial town.
5- Feeds that are formulated largely utilize agro-industrial by-products and other non-conventional materials.
6- The indigenous labor force is critical to the viability of the most important agro-industrial crops.
7- This is a week-long agro-industrial trade, tourism and cultural fair with tribal dances and songs.
8- The agro-industrial economy continues to be the single largest contributor to the region's legal economy.
9- SAIV is a large agro-industrial conglomerate with multiple interests and produces Bolivia's Casa Real brand.
10- The month-long activities highlights the agro-industrial and trade fair which showcase the different products of Benguet.
11- Carrefour will have a policy of supplying imported products while promoting Albanian products, particularly agro-industrial ones.
12- Land resources in Quezon could be described as somewhat underutilized given its vast potential for agro-industrial development.
13- Equipment was supplied from Denmark between 1975 and 1976 for use in an agro-industrial complex at Mongalla.
14- agro-industrial development in Jericho, enabling the region to be a major agricultural source for the Middle East.
15- Contract growing is an example of the use of indigenous agro-industrial methods that predate the New Zealand wine industry.
16- Container feeder service opens up connections to the agro-industrial heartland of Central Tamil Nadu, Karaikal and Pondicherry.
17- Major Industries Camarines Sur is the agro-industrial center of Bikol, followed by trade, manufacturing, and construction.
18- Such industries focus on agro-industrial based activities such as food processing, handicraft making, furniture making and other related activities.
19- Valtierrilla's population is an important agro-industrial centre for from a few years companies have been created within the industrial corridor.
20- Evaluate various types of feed resources- pasture (grasses, legumes), top feed resources, agro-industrial by-products and non-conventional feeds.
21- Then, obviously we will not tax agro-industrial enterprises -- sugar plantations, citrus plantations, and in some cases, horticultural plantations as well, then the forestry areas.
22- ts are totally certified as organic products; their meat is cut, processed and packed in the meat processing unit that exists in the farm, like other agro-industrial structures.
23- The group is expecting customers to be banks, processors and others linked to farming as well as ' agro-industrial multinationals', co-operatives and commodity boards.
24- 5bn) in the same period this year, buoyed by the sale of the National Investment Company's (Soci�t� Nationale d'Investissement, SNI) stake in several agro-industrial groups.
25- A 3 day festivities that will showcase a trade fair of agro-industrial products, lectures on livestock raising and food processing as well as food demo competition.
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