26- The economy of Chad, primarily based on agriculture, will be boosted by major oilfield and pipeline projects that began in 2000.
27- University students who are interested in a career in agriculture may take courses including animal husbandry, and basic mechanics.
28- George Washington once said that no more real and important service can be rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture.
29- The industrialization of agriculture has brought many benefits to society, and has helped to reduce hunger in a growing world population.
30- The pesticides used in agriculture generally get washed into lakes, rivers and oceans, where they become concentrated in the aquatic life there.
31- agriculture in Great Britain is intensive, highly mechanized, and efficient by European standards, producing about 60% of food needs with only 1% of the labor foIronically, as industrialization replaced human labor in some sectors, such as agriculture, it also produced a demand for labor in other sectors, such as in factories.
32- Navajo communities rely on the San Juan for fishing and agriculture.
33- It excludes the transportation, real estate and agriculture sectors.
34- No other country recycles as much wastewater for use in agriculture.
35- 460894 Like any other agriculture product, cheese is a seasonal food.
36- Meat is regulated and inspected by the U.S. Department of agriculture.
37- "We'll have to look at how much fertilizer we're using in agriculture.
38- That figure factors in lost agriculture, ecosystems and health impacts.
39- If we can help agriculture in that way, that's what we're going to do."
40- The board approved new courses of study for the agriculture department.
41- What is happening to address non-sustainable agriculture on a global scale?
42- agriculture, fishing and forestry together account for 0.6 percent of UK GDP.
43- The majority of jobs in Yakima County are a part of the agriculture industry.
44- Domincata earned a PhD in agriculture in his home country of the Philippines.
45- And oddly enough, animal agriculture is such a contributor to climate change.
46- 105806 Besides oil and gold, agriculture is a major pillar of Ghana's economy.
47- agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce has said Depp was flouting Australia's laws.
48- Samaras says jobs will be created mostly in the agriculture and tourism sectors.
49- The team then toured Taino Farm, a sustainable agriculture project in Los Brazos.
50- At the bottom of the list of targets are agriculture and the automotive industry.
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