76- And DuPont, which operates agricultural seed seller DuPont Pioneer, has lowered its profit outlook.
77- Furthermore, in accordance with land use zoning rules, agricultural land should be used for farming.
78- For example, it eliminates foreign taxes used as tariffs against U.S. food and agricultural products.
79- One of those schools, the Nova Scotia agricultural College, merged with Dalhousie University in 2012.
80- 43319 An agricultural chemical like phosphine would be available in farming regions of northern Syria.
81- Suvalkija has long been known as an affluent agricultural region.
82- The problems encountered with agriculturally produced material will also apply, a fortiori to material collected from the wild.
83- George Frank Edwards, Chief Land Agent , agricultural Land Commission.
84- John Griffith Owen, Committee Land Agent , Anglesey agricultural Executive Committee.
85- Agri -steel cladding from Tulsa Steel Roofing Companies OK is the cheapest steel roofs widely used in agricultural buildings .
86- Always a wide-awake agri culturist, he has been for years an active member in the Moore agricultural Society.
87- Agri Media Council - Provides leadership and counsel for the promotion and awareness of members companies serving the agricultural marketplace.
88- The population was 80 percent peasant agriculturalists living in villages.
89- Native women were agriculturalists and owned the fields.
90- Intergenerational wealth transmission among agriculturalists tends to be rather unequal.
91- It was here that he developed as an agriculturalist .
92- Berber desert nomads were typically in conflict with Berber coastal agriculturalists .
93- All three groups of settlers were stock-keepers rather than agriculturalists .
94- The ancestral human not a agriculturalist his pray gatherer human.
95- He is the only agriculturalist ever to have been so honored.
96- As agriculturalists , we must realize that we're serving people.
97- Among these peoples were the Kassena agriculturalists .
98- Secondly, non-agriculturalists must have contact with agriculturalists .
99- Haraszthy contributed articles to newspapers and made speeches to gatherings of agriculturalists .
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