26- Recent studies reveal that the floral industry uses the highest level of pesticides of all agricultural sectors.
27- Science has discovered that there is a relation between the fluctuation of agricultural production and sunspot variations.
28- Employment patterns are changing as more workers move to urban areas and seek jobs in nonagricultural sectors of the economy.
29- The government has put a freeze on development of agricultural land to ensure that our farms are not all lost to urban spread.
30- Employment patterns are changing, as more workers move to urban areas, and seek jobs in nonagricultural sectors of the economy.
31- agricultural crops today are bred to produce higher yields, and more attractive food, but not necessarily more nutritious food.
32- During the Soviet period, as much as 40% of Georgia's entire agricultural output was provided by produce grown in private gardens.
33- My country has changed from a largely rural, agricultural economy to a mainly industrial economy over the last hundred years or so.
34- Although still a largely agricultural country, Costa Rica has expanded its economy to include strong technology and tourism sectors.
35- Poland's important agricultural sector continues to be handicapped by surplus labor, inefficient small farms, and lack of investment.
36- agricultural development efforts in Korea have been concentrated mainly on maximizing yields from the country's limited farming land.
37- Traditionally, the Chinese agricultural strategy was to apply human labor intensively to the lands which would yield the greatest return.
38- The island of Puerto Rico has been transformed from a simple agricultural society into a modern, industrialized nation in the space of 40 years.
39- After 3500 B.
40- C.
41- , the agricultural potential of the Indus floodplain began to be realized, and the population increased accordingly.
42- Thanks to the development of agricultural science, world food production has managed to keep up with population growth but only at the expense of the future.
43- MousenebBut Africa accounts for only 3 percent of global agricultural exports.
44- 51378 And now I'm taking it to the beef industry and agricultural side.
45- Timeline: 1969-1975 - Works as an agricultural laborer in Liangjiahe, Shaanxi.
46- Currently, the region's largest exports are agricultural products and textiles.
47- 27007 agricultural burning also spews huge amounts of particulates into the air.
48- That's kind of what we're aiming for, said agricultural fieldman Keith Kornelsen.
49- The small agricultural community is known as "The Artichoke Capital of the World."
50- For decades, Israel has also become one of Thailand's major agricultural partners.
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