76- The third untruth is that world prices are a valid criterion for deciding the direction that agricultural production should take.
77- Agrarian reform programmes have differed in their emphasis, whether it be on land distribution or agricultural production.
78- Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial and agricultural production methods.
79- The salinity is a major environmental factor which affects agricultural production.
80- The conditions were unfavourable for intensive agricultural production.
81- The conditions were unfavourable for intensive agricultural production.
82- The conditions were unfavourable for intensive agricultural production.
83- Thus, agricultural production can increase as a result of colonization, population growth and improvements in land and labor productivity.
84- As the earth human social production committee consists of agricultural production planning commission, industrial production planning commission, housing construction planning commission, etc.
85- The traditional agricultural production functions have both macro and micro ones, and the marginal analysis is to study the economic phenomena with the production function.
86- Specific handicaps refer to natural conditions unfavourable for agricultural production, e.g. poor soil, poor drainage or excessive salinity.
87- Pesticide commodity is one of important agricultural production data.
88- agricultural production is assisted is more a castle in the air.
89- Post-war economic reconstruction in the country must begin with the resumption of agricultural production.
90- P . miliaceum agricultural production, millet, potatoes, black beans, naked oats[], yellow mustard.
91- The traditional agricultural production functions have both macro and micro ones, and the marginal analysis is to study the economic phenomena with the production function.
92- Important families grew out of brewing, for example, linking agricultural production to the financial system which channelled the profits.
93- Post-war economic reconstruction in the country must begin with the resumption of agricultural production.
94- Land resources are important agricultural production factors.
95- agricultural production is assisted is more a castle in the air.
96- Our country must drive at increasing agricultural production.
97- A drought caused agricultural production to plummet 11 % in 1995, driving up food prices and retarding overall economic growth.
98- Township, principally for agricultural production, both animal husbandry and industry.
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