51- However, overall improvement in agricultural production was hardly noticeable at a macroeconomic level.
52- agricultural production stagnated, but in general the rural areas experienced less turmoil than the cities.
53- Currently 820,000 hectares are irrigated and an estimated three million hectares are in agricultural production.
54- But although peasants ate better, agricultural production did not increase in the way most government officials expected.
55- Livestock output accounted for roughly 30 percent of agricultural production and about 20 percent of the sector's exports.
56- From 1923 to 1926, agricultural output rose by eighty-seven percent, as agricultural production returned to pre-war levels.
57- Additionally, lack of access to water and a relatively dry rain season crippled the agricultural production of the colonists.
58- One negative result of the new wealth from petroleum, however, was a decline in agricultural production, largely through neglect.
59- This further compounded Vichy's lack of will (and authority) in enforcing thorough economic control over agricultural production.
60- agricultural production was stimulated in 1979 by an increase of over 22 percent in the procurement prices paid for farm products.
61- Traditionally, villages managed the rotation of swidden fields in such a way as to sustain agricultural production over long periods.
62- The Great Leap Forward was intended to increase the production of steel and to raise agricultural production to twice the 1957 levels.
63- These three elements for improving agricultural production need focussed attention from government .
64- One delegate likened Mr Gummer's motion to abolish subsidies on agricultural production to turkeys voting for Christmas.
65- Post-war economic reconstruction in the country must begin with the resumption of agricultural production.
66- Economic activities An increase in primary, and especially in agricultural production, will remain the basis of rural economic regeneration.
67- The disease resistance of 72 varieties (or lines) of wheat to wheat scab in Qinghai existing agricultural production has been identified by field plot experiment at present for two years.
68- In desert and hilly regions, where agricultural production is low, people obtain two-thirds of their energy from firewood.
69- agricultural production has changed to relative overproduction from product shortage in China.
70- The conditions were unfavourable for intensive agricultural production.
71- Shortage of water resources restricted agricultural production in arid and semiarid region.
72- He received honours and awards from the government for his contribution to agricultural production.
73- Our country must drive at increasing agricultural production.
74- ck last year's reform of Europe's common agricultural policy.30) Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production.
75- The ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. , is one of the most hazardous weed species distributed worldwide and causing serious damages to agricultural production and human health.
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