26- A South African proverb notes that when the elephant is killed, all the tribes gather together to eat of it.
27- Many of South Africa's former holidays were canceled as they were only relevant to the white population.
28- South African President DeKlerk was successful in negotiating a peaceful end to all-white rule in that country.
29- The Republic of South Africa has two official national anthems.
30- The sanctions imposed against South Africa were instrumental in bringing an end to the apartheid system in that country.
31- Several movies have been made in tribute to the life of South African activist Steven Biko.
32- Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of passive resistance was born when he was thrown off a train in South Africa.
33- South Africa was boycotted for many years in an effort to pressure the government into ending its apartheid policy.
34- Nelson Mandela and F.
35- W.
36- DeKlerk worked hard to ensure a peaceful transition to majority rule in South Africa.
37- Nelson Mandela's dedication to the cause of freedom in South Africa eventually led him from jail to the presidency of his country.
38- Nelson Mandela smashed rocks in a prison quarry for 18 years before becoming President of South Africa.
39- Visitors to South Africa have a number of options ranging from magnificent beaches to some of the world's most famous game parks and nature reserves.
40- The transfer of power to the black majority in South Africa took place quite peacefully.
41- At the end of the First World War, South Africa was given a mandate to rule the territory known today as Namibia.
42- After years of political unrest, and repression of the black majority, the new government has succeeded in establishing a certain stability in South Africa.
43- Nelson Mandela has become the symbol of a new era in South African politics.
44- In 1985, the United States Senate voted to impose economic sanctions on South Africa in protest against the government's apartheid policy.
45- Prior to 1981, labor strikes by black workers in South Africa were illegal.
46- In April of 1994, South Africa's first all-race elections were boycotted by the white right-wing parties.
47- Nelson Mandela was instrumental in bringing about a peaceful change of government in South Africa.
48- Visitors to South Africa have a number of choices, ranging from magnificent beaches to some of the world's most famous game parks and nature reserves.
49- The nation of Lesotho is entirely surrounded by South Africa, so when the leader began criticizing South African apartheid in 1983, South Africa was able to close Lesotho's borders, strangling the country.
50- strapSouth Africa boasts one of the most diverse wildlife displays on Earth.
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