51- And he goes on, 'People are increasingly curious about how Samsung products are designed and who makes them.'
52- And it's got plenty of notable tenants, including storefronts from Intel, Samsung, Sony, Asus and Lenovo.
53- And Samsung's betting Tizen is the best path forward.
54- Another challenge: Software has never been Samsung's strong suit.
55- Anything that's on the official Samsung Tomorrow blog should be biased.
56- Apple also eroded Samsung's leading market share in developed nations.
57- Apple also eroded Samsung's leading market share in developed nations.
58- Apple and Samsung are accusing each other, once again, of ripping off designs and features.
59- Apple and Samsung are taking on China's top payment service.
60- Apple cried foul in 2011, accusing Samsung of copying essential elements of its iPhone design, and filed its lawsuit.
61- Apple had complained that Samsung smartphones copied the iPhone and infringed on Apple's technology patents.
62- Apple Inc. has said some Samsung wireless patents are being offered on unfair terms, hurting competition.
63- Apple may need to find a new CEO before too long if what is being reported about the new Samsung phone (S5) is true.
64- Apple, Google, and Samsung did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
65- Apple's iPhone 5s and Samsung's Galaxy S5 cost even more.
66- Apple's main rival Samsung has long had a range of larger handsets and has tried to market a smartwatch of its own.
67- As Valve and HTC were announcing the Vive, Oculus and Samsung unveiled an expanded footprint for their Gear VR system.
68- Aside from that unique layer of software, there's little differentiating the Galaxy View from Samsung's other tablets.
69- At the same time, robberies and grand larcenies from Samsung smartphones in New York City increased by over 40%.
70- At this fair, Samsung announced that it will launch a range of LED lamp solution that will make our future brighter.
71- B&H is offering the Samsung Galaxy S6 with 128GB of storage for just $599.99 - slashing its list price by $400.
72- Bada (screenshot below) was Samsung's first attempt to �do a Tizen' and make a break for software independence.
73- Barnes & Noble and Samsung's full press release follows below.
74- Battery life still not as strong as Samsung Galaxy S5.
75- Be sure to check out Samsung's full video below.
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