26- Over 750,000 people in Quebec now go to indoor tanning salons, a phenomenon which has resulted in a 205 percent increase in skin cancer in that province.
27- The people of Quebec have asserted their right to determine their own future.
28- I estimated that I would need $1,500 for my trip to Quebec.
29- The federal government has conceded to the Quebec government its right to oversee immigration to the province.
30- Four people have died in the intense cold which has hit Southern Ontario and Quebec this past weekend.
31- I was surprised by how much interest the wedding of Charles and Diana excited in Quebec, where the monarchy is generally quite unpopular.
32- The kidnapping of British diplomat James Cross by Quebec separatists was one of the most important events in Canadian history.
33- There is a great deal of political uncertainty in Quebec due to the separatist movement, which would like to see the Canadian province become its own country.
34- chainThe people of Quebec have held two referendums, and have twice rejected independence for their province.
35- In Quebec, children traditionally open their Christmas gifts at midnight, on December 24th.
36- Chretien needs to improve his image in Quebec if he hopes to win at the polls in the next election.
37- Most of the maple syrup produced in the world comes from the province of Quebec.
38- In August of 1943, a conference was held in Quebec City to discuss Allied plans for the forthcoming invasions of Italy and France.
39- Nationalist sentiment in Quebec has always been a part of the history of that province.
40- separateThe traditional music of Quebec has many parallels with that of Ireland.
41- During the October Crisis of 1970, many people were detained by police in Montreal simply because they were suspected of being sympathetic to the cause of those seeking independence for Quebec.
42- The construction of the James Bay Hydro-Electric project in Northern Quebec dramatically increased that province's output of electricity.
43- The Innu language of Northern Quebec has no equivalent for the word "music" because for them, music is everywhere, in every living thing.
44- Winter in Quebec can be a bit depressing when you get a big snowfall in April.
45- A significant portion of the population of Quebec wants to separate from Canada, and form their own country.
46- Political uncertainty in Quebec has caused house prices to plunge in some regions.
47- The word "Quebec" is a native Indian word from the Algonquins, and means "narrowing of the waters".
48- My daughter can hardly remember Quebec City because she was very little when we lived there.
49- The province of Quebec is equal to approximately three times the area of France.
50- Although C�line Dion is wildly popular internationally, she is sometimes scorned in her Quebec home for pursuing her singing career in English.
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