51- javyozeI bought a beautiful leather coat in Mexico for only $150.
52- Mexico's political party, the PRI, ruled the country consecutively for more than 70 years.
53- An American Senator has called upon the Mexican government to help make it easier to extradite criminals who flee to Mexico.
54- The heart of Mexico is the extensive Mexican plateau, fringed by the ranges of the Sierra Madre.
55- In 1992, the United States, Mexico and Canada agreed to form a free-trade zone that would rank as the world's largest single trading bloc.
56- Mexican law is based on the French system, due to the fact that from 1864 to 1867, Mexico was a French colony.
57- Mexico's economy has been adversely affected by the recession in the U.
58- S.
59- Over 500 years ago, Aztec rulers had fresh fish brought to them by a 30-hour relay of runners from Veracruz to Mexico City.
60- Some people believe that a spaceship landed in Roswell, New Mexico in the 1940s, and that scientists there examined the dead bodies of aliens from another planet.
61- I asked her if she had been to Mexico.
62- The great majority of the people of Mexico are of mixed Spanish and indigenous descent.
63- describeMexico must score now or face elimination in the quarterfinals for the first time in 5 years.
64- In 1958, Fidel Castro returned from exile in Mexico to oust the Batista regime and assume power.
65- The economy of Mexico is very closely bound to that of the United States.
66- Senators serving in Congress in Mexico cannot be elected to consecutive terms.
67- If you get caught trying to smuggle goods from Mexico into the U.
68- S.
69- , customs officers may seize your car until you pay the fine.
70- According to the paper, there was an earthquake in Mexico.
71- It would take 11 Empire State Buildings, stacked one on top of the other, to measure the Gulf of Mexico at its deepest point.
72- stadiumHe had a wonderful experience when he stayed in Mexico for a year to learn Spanish.
73- The United States and Mexico are separated by the River Grande.
74- In Mexico and Central America, more than 65% of the natural habitat of the jaguar has been destroyed, mainly due to farming and deforestation.
75- Mexico is expected to win easily in its match against Japan on Sunday.
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