26- The largely helpless vessel ran aground near St. Catherine's.
27- The berg must be very firmly aground .
28- The patrol craft was forced aground and subsequently declared a total loss.
29- The ships had struck a reef and run aground during rough seas.
30- How did Captain Cook keep the ship from going aground ?
31- We have shared one car meaning my schedule revolves aground his.
32- They went aground on the beach or bar in winter.
33- Twenty-two ships ran aground in the harbor.
34- She ran aground at Spithead before sailing.
35- She was refloated but then ran aground again near the wharf.
36- PT-31 suffered engine trouble and ran aground on a reef.
37- The "Izumrud" ran aground near the Siberian coast.
38- A ferry was also washed aground on the James River.
39- However, the Chinese ran aground on a nearby reef.
40- As a result, the vessel had to be run aground .
41- Of possession as the delusion we all run aground on.
42- Does it not run aground on this again and again?
43- During the destroyer force's departure from Kingston, ran aground .
44- A type of map which tells you exactly where you are aground .
45- If he went aground history would record it as another lost ship.
46- Now they were aground in water too shallow to float their boat.
47- Two that had sought refuge in Magdalena Bay were driven aground .
48- Fishing vessels and other large boats occasionally run aground on a reef.
49- After little time, this ship ran aground and rotted.
50- Have you seen a ship aground in a spongy bog?
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