26- However agronomy played its part.
27- In 1987 he enrolled in a graduate program to study agronomy at Iowa State University.
28- So Thursday 7th June saw the first of three National agronomy Centre open days.
29- This includes crop management, agronomy , crop insurance planning and assigning staff to various farming operations.
30- The subheadings include agronomy , organic farming, traditional agriculture, permaculture, and silviculture.
31- I came to Agrigold from eight years of retail agronomy sales in the Missouri river bottom.
32- NIAB TAG and Technology crops have developed a complete agronomy package for this new crop.
33- Actually, it was only in 1928 that agronomy and ecology were formally linked by Klages.
34- agronomy industrialized as well, in meat processing, packaged cereal products, and processed dairy products.
35- Agrigold also uses its agronomy team to record and fine tune each hybrids rating across our marketing area.
36- These lessons teach the science behind the USGA's equipment testing, handicapping, and agronomy efforts.
37- The outside world remained uninformed about Chinese work in agronomy , pharmacology, mathematics, and optics.
38- Our starting point for triticale agronomy in high yielding situations is to treat it like a wheat crop.
39- As ever, we cover the latest agronomy advice.
40- It is more effective to combine water - saving irrigation with agronomy such as tillage and cultivation.
41- zed direct sowing of rice is one new light type culture technique with labour saving, high yield and efficiency, combining agricultural machinery and agronomy.(25) Amorpha fruticosa L. is known for its abundant resources in nature and widely applied in medicine and agronomy.
42- Using methods of experiment and demonstration, the agronomy techniques for rainwater irrigation are studied.
43- Teasdale, J. R. 2007. Potential long-term benefits of no-tillage and organic cropping systems for grain production and soil improvement. agronomy Journal 99, 1297-1305.
44- After studying agronomy in Paris he took up a career in radio journalism.
45- Western agronomy is based on atomism and observes things by the way of experiment.
46- is known for its abundant resources in nature and widely applied in medicine and agronomy.
47- Now he heads the agronomy department.
48- The science of agronomy helps farmers obtain larger and better crops .
49- He graduated in 1951 with a bachelor's degree in horticulture and a minor in agronomy.
50- Traditional Chinese agronomy is based on Chinese classical philosophy and interprets agricultural phenomena from original macrocosm.
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