26- Soil, water, and climatic conditions provide opportunities for large-scale irrigated farming and agro industry.
27- Mr Chabikwa said agro based companies remained afloat because of high production in the agricultural sector.
28- Melton Mowbray: agro Business Consultants.
29- Area of the Kutno agro - Industrial park was designated to join the LSEZ.
30- Intended to be a realistic representation of a horse, agro will occasionally ignore commands.
31- The neo metal is founded very often under the names crossover, new metal and agro metal.
32- Banka has a very advanced system of agro product marketing which is very complex yet very simple.
33- It is ... India's expertise in the field of agro meteorology has earned it accolades.
34- Beware that rooted enemies will hit nearby raid members if their agro target is out of reach.
35- Rabo purchased Lend Lease agro Business, an Australian-based company, in 2003.
36- Image Credit: agro ATV.
37- Following the 2008 currency reform, agro and bearer cheques were phased out on 1 January 2009.
38- I called, hoping that Lily would go into hyper agro mode, which she did.
39- In Australia, the game was called " agro Saur" and featured the puppet agro.
40- In Australia, the game was called "agro Saur" and featured the puppet agro .
41- Efforts are being made to sustain pollinator diversity in agro and natural eco-systems by some environmental groups.
42- agro and food processing industries are yet to be encouraged.
43- The interior uplands are fit for agro-forestry and high value agricultural production.
44- PDS Organic Spices The Organic agro-products and Export Division is a new venture of PDS.
45- By the late 1980s, desertification had fundamentally altered agro-pastoral and human settlement patterns.
46- After divorcing Yaden, agro married a French - Laotian woman who handled the liquor accounts for two nightclubs.
47- There are 18 Conservation districts including more than 130 municipalities covering almost all of agro Manitoba.
48- This can only be done from a sound economic basis with security of tenure, healthy soils and reduced use of agro-chemicals.
49- Several agro units have also come up.
50- Dalmianagar was a large agro - industrial town.
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