51- Carlos became a massage therapist to keep them afloat .

52- Composite ships were therefore some of the fastest ships afloat .

53- This was not powerful enough to keep the budget afloat .

54- She is the oldest commissioned vessel afloat in the world.

55- To keep the company afloat , they borrowed heavily.

56- The gun can be fired while the vehicle is afloat .

57- This with outstanding damage control work kept "Helena" afloat .

58- These ventures helped to keep the company afloat during that period.

59- It has been kept afloat by the Swiss government.

60- Simply trying to keep the firm afloat is not enough.

61- But we managed to keep the group afloat .

62- That's not enough to keep some small local farms afloat and not enough to persuade a new generation to pursue a living off the land.

63- The Alstom money just means that Martin Bouygues' boat has a lot of lifeboats and can stay afloat and protect his people a bit longer.

64- Which of the current crop will stay afloat while which freshmen will rise to the top in time for the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang Korea?

65- 631318 Some people even believe that the property market has played a major role in keeping the country afloat during the global recession.

66- Its alliance with the country and the Kim family has helped keep the nation afloat despite years of being cut off from the rest of the world.

67- The men were last seen chasing after a ball on the east side of the lake before struggling to stay afloat and disappearing under the surface.

68- The world's oldest commissioned warship still afloat left its berth at the Charlestown Navy Yard with about 500 invited guests Friday morning.

69- 425191 I would like to alert Polonia in North Tonawanda that Dom Polski is working hard to keep afloat with their monthly dinners, activities.

70- But in the months since, business has shifted into over-drive, a welcome development for an attraction that struggled years ago to stay afloat.

71- The raft of firms named after their small-to-medium size kept Germany afloat throughout a global economic downturn and still have healthy order books.

72- Repaired, the Cornelis Houtman set afloat.

73- This style is only to stay afloat and to rest.

74- Zoo to keep Wyandot Lake afloat, Marla Matzer Rose.

75- 729639 History of the Armed Guard afloat, World War II."""

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