1- It's obvious that a lot of folks are Office aficionados who also happen to own an Android tablet.

2- Many car aficionados can make out a Porsche from a distance only by its engine sound, he explains.

3- 252535 Gothamist co-publisher and in-house street art aficionado Jake Dobkin approved of the piece.

4- These are questions every soccer aficionado has asked.

5- aficionados of functional programming avoid destructive functions.

6- It makes an exciting excursion for horse riding aficionados .

7- Marketing aficionados everywhere are struggling with the same problem.

8- However, some coffee aficionados vehemently resist such intentions.

9- It was attended by about four thousand supporters and aficionados .

10- He was an avid art student and a jazz aficionado .

11- The sources for "Thunderball" are controversial among film aficionados .

12- I'm somewhat of a soda aficionado .

13- The technical term prized by aficionados is mondegreen.

14- These designations are commonly used by 924 aficionados .

15- Flame away Thesis aficionados and Mac users.

16- We assembled a cracker jack team of rubber ball aficionados .

17- How many cool artist types and food truck aficionados live near those bridges?

18- For instance, Meyer is a chess aficionado and amateur psychologist.

19- He certainly gave the Alton aficionados lots to laugh about.

20- Yeah, this is a great week for pitching aficionados .

21- Acting aficionados should get just as high on those moments.

22- He became the favorite of aficionados of Jewish theatre.

23- Reading itself, to the aficionado , is magic.

24- Some opera and orchestra aficionados claimed that combined production quality would decline.

25- Tea aficionados commonly believe this method provides an inferior taste and experience.

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