1- The city was all aflame.

2- She was aflame with pride.

3- The valley was aflame with red and yellow leaves.

4- The stand-off in Donbas is aflame again bringing shelling and casualties.

5- A Tibetan nun set herself aflame last week to protest at China's rule over the region.

6- It's not a war memorial, or a mausoleum, Best said before his creation was set aflame Saturday night.

7- A Catherine wheel is set aflame & rolled down the hill.

8- They were rolled in carpet and set aflame .

9- Sandra had replied, her face aflame .

10- Is the beautiful lady's body aflame with passion?

11- I see someone saying " I believe the houses are aflame ".

12- And just a decade ago, Southeastern Europe was aflame .

13- Pulpits can again become aflame with righteousness and fervor.

14- Setting fuel aflame releases usable energy.

15- Gandalf set the nearby trees aflame , which drove the wargs away.

16- A nearby school with a collection of rare books was also set aflame .

17- The Border was aflame once more.

18- When Bishop Jim Pierce of Love aflame !

19- They will look aghast at each other, their faces aflame .

20- It's the passion of total presence that sets the dance floor aflame .

21- The Danish king Valdemar I set the town aflame in 1161.

22- All aflame ... the Steak Au Poivre cooked table side.

23- In full power with the afterburners aflame the aircraft had only 5 minutes endurance.

24- The mosque was, indeed, torched and Qurans were visibly set aflame .

25- Before he could set the pants aflame , The Tick saved them.

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