1- The afforested mountain slopes serve as water reservoirs.

2- Only 19% of Enontekiö's area is afforested .

3- Currently in Scotland around 30,000 ha per annum of hill land is afforested .

4- Henry disafforested land that King John and Henry II had afforested .

5- Most of the area remains afforested .

6- Foraging areas of golden eagles have been confirmed to not include afforested areas.

7- Substantial areas, especially in upland Scotland, are being afforested each year.

8- All lands afforested by Henry II or his sons were to be disafforested.

9- He chose various species of trees that he tested on the substrate to be afforested .

10- A trail leads from here through meadows with fruit trees then the afforested northern slope towards the peak.

11- The highly afforested eastern foothill, known for its legends, has the name "Schlössleinsbuck".

12- During most of the twelfth century and the early thirteenth century, the south Lincolnshire fens were afforested .

13- Afforestation project started in 1955 for stabilizing the dunes and so far, 3687 hectar dune area has been afforested .

14- The zoo authorities and people from surrounding villages collected seeds of different trees from neighbouring areas and afforested the zoo area.

15- Parcels that have less than the set minimum amount forest cover must be afforested to minimum levels if they are developed.

16- Farming was the main use of land here but now a greater part is afforested with only a few farms left.

17- Many farmers sold their land to the Prussian treasury or the Hanover monastic chamber, who afforested the land with pines.

18- Research on the Plynlimon catchment in upland Wales, for example, indicates that streamflow from the afforested area is c. 15 per cent less than from nearby grassland (Blackie and Newson 1986).

19- Numerous studies (e.g. Stoner and Gee 1985, Bull and Hall 1986) have compared the water chemistry of streams draining afforested areas with that of streams draining nearby moorland.

20- pments in forestry and forestry policies are summarised in Table 8.3 which shows that more than 2 × 10 6 ha of land, mainly in the uplands, have been afforested or reforested.

21- Whilst this guidance has been developed in response to increasing numbers of wind farm proposals on afforested land, it applies to other forms of development on afforested land as well.

22- Ecological rehabilitation, somewhat different than the traditional closing off the afforested hills, is an essential way for soil ...

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