1- The ship was afloat at last.

2- We only just manage to keep afloat on my husband's small salary.

3- In its day, the Titanic was the largest and most luxurious ocean liner afloat.

4- Porcupines are excellent swimmers because their quills are hollow, which helps keep them afloat.

5- 519170 Now, the country is looking at ways to keep the industry afloat.

6- They boarded the vessel, which stayed afloat, to extinguish the flames.

7- This would first require a deal with the creditors to keep Greece afloat.

8- Yet where Old Navy keeps Gap afloat, Banana Republic clearly drags it down.

9- Rangers recently revealed they need £8m of new funding to stay afloat in 2015.

10- 729087 The health of Greece's big banks is central to keeping the country afloat.

11- It'll enable Kyiv to stay afloat over the next months as unpopular reforms start.

12- How long Greece can keep itself afloat without international support is uncertain.

13- 730269 The hospice movement Collectively, hospices need to raise £1.9m a day to stay afloat.

14- No talk of retirement What kept him afloat, ultimately, was his extensive copyright catalogue.

15- Greece's immediate weak point is its banks, which depend on euros from the ECB to stay afloat.

16- Chen and Tsan led a frugal life to keep the rice cake business afloat and their family thriving.

17- The statue was funded by the Ronaldo Museum…which in turn is kept afloat by the footballer himself.

18- That will only keep the banks afloat until early this week when the decision will be reviewed again.

19- She's more concerned about the "young songwriter" who's counting on that first single to stay afloat.

20- Hartenstein cast adrift those lifeboats still afloat and ordered the survivors on his deck into the water.

21- There was no case of leakage and several of the boats were still afloat month after being cast adrift .

22- What ever business had taken place were mostly afloat .

23- The crew bailed frantically to keep afloat .

24- External subsidies help keep the operation afloat .

25- His initial plan was clearly keep Newton afloat .

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