1- Plans are already afoot to convert the tunnels into a history museum.

2- It is, however, primarily in the civilian sector where significant changes are afoot.

3- But there's a crusade afoot to get Cosmopolitan out of sight, out of mind, and maybe out of print.

4- The agency clearly believed something was afoot .

5- The local militia commander had been warned that trouble was afoot .

6- Congregation members were certain that something special was afoot .

7- By early 1963, military conspiracy was again afoot .

8- But mutiny was afoot among the lower orders.

9- There were in consequence substantial changes afoot .

10- Or is there something more sinister afoot ?

11- She reassured the son that nothing questionable was afoot .

12- This is also an area where change is afoot .

13- Major changes were afoot which affected their respective bosses.

14- Other efforts to boost the local infrastructure are afoot .

15- An evening of tasty, tasty disaster was afoot .

16- The Germans apparently were unaware that anything was afoot .

17- Something seemed afoot in the last few months.

18- Now moves are afoot to mend the situation.

19- But here, too, changes were afoot .

20- But a change of attitude was afoot .

21- In the same year war is afoot .

22- There are moves afoot everywhere we look.

23- The game is afoot , at last.

24- Does that mean nothing sinister's afoot ?

25- There are some movements afoot regarding a possible new supporters club.

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