51- This program is specifically designed to assist with development of milestones both socially and academically to prepare students for kindergarten.

52- 'At St. Francis we're looking for young men and women who are good student athletes that bring something to the table athletically and academically.

53- Green Junior High School Another "academically Excellent" campus.

54- In life Kinsella was a very popular and academically gifted student.

55- Academics The School is well respected academically among its peers.

56- Achieving such an impact demands an academically excellent education.

57- The school is amongst the top 20 most academically rigorous in the state.

58- She was not academically inclined, and always dreamt of being a celebrity.

59- The cave is also academically significant as rare species live in the cave.

60- They became even more competitive academically and are less friendly with each other.

61- In his sophomore year, his grades plummeted and was declared academically ineligible.

62- academically, Danieley made the College Board's SAT test a requirement for admission.

63- Loker is academically educated and acquired his skills in "reading" people through practice.

64- Under Kirkpatrick the school prospered academically and numerically, although not financially.

65- As a rule children of immigrants are not as successful academically as children of native Germans.

66- Credit grades and above is considered academically adequate for entry into any University in Nigeria.

67- However, there simply are not enough clerkships to accommodate all the academically eligible graduates.

68- Kim began experimenting with photography in junior high school, though he never studied it academically.

69- A thin and delicate child, he was shy and thought of himself as being ugly, but he excelled academically.

70- He is an academically brilliant student, portrayed when he first appears in the second episode of the series.

71- Dr. Allen was known for his opposition to college sports in favor of an environment more academically centered.

72- Naturally, Reagan and LBJ became fierce rivals on the football field, in band and academically after LBJ opened.

73- He did not distinguish himself academically, and an early school report describes his performance as "only fair.

74- Activities Academic Merit cards are presented to students who did well academically a means of further encouragement.

75- The shy Howard brother was a mediocre student academically, but excelled as an athlete on the school basketball team.

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