1- They used abusive language to her.

2- I had never received such an abusive letter before.

3- I don't like the way he talks to his children, in fact, I think he is verbally abusive.

4- She did a lot of agonizing before deciding to take her children and leave her abusive husband.

5- Women fleeing an abusive relationship are encouraged to contact the Ministry of Human Resources for help.

6- Women fleeing an abusive relationship are encouraged to contact the Ministry of Human Resources for help and support.

7- Children usually attribute the actions of an abusive parent to their own behavior, and may feel they deserve their treatment.

8- His attitude towards learning has been greatly influenced by the negative experiences he had as a child with an abusive teacher.

9- Children in many countries are often forced to work in dangerous and abusive jobs because they are poor and have no other alternative.

10- Keanu Reeves, The Gift (2000) An abusive redneck on trial for murder?

11- She watched as my marriage crumbled in the hands of my abusive husband.

12- This was cited as "abusive and a gross violation of the standard of care."

13- McCarthy laid bare the abusive purpose of this taxpayer-funded committee."

14- Twitter has faced a tough time dealing with trolls and other abusive users.

15- And, find out the nine warning signs that you're in an abusive relationship.

16- It led to young teenage pregnancies, abusive boyfriends and destructive behavior.

17- ALL CAPS, spam, obscene, profane, abusive and off topic comments will be deleted.

18- The Chattanooga Times Free Press reports that Abdulazeez 'grew up in an abusive home.'

19- "When I was 25, my mother was shot in the head by my stepfather, an abusive alcoholic.

20- The last time I was in this store was during my abusive relationship w my ex 3-4 years ago.

21- The mother believes Weirich is telling people he's helping Ashley escape from an abusive home.

22- Sandrine Salome flees from New York City to Paris to escape an abusive and manipulative husband.

23- Bell was served with a beer but landlady Lamaya Tyson asked him to leave because he was abusive.

24- Billy is kind of an abusive, very rough-edged guy, who falls in love with this sweet young girl.

25- The pair were each convicted of one count of sexual abuse and one count of abusive sexual contact.

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