1- His acceptance of the present was regarded as bribery.

2- Love for and acceptance of others forms the essence of God's message to mankind.

3- The peace of the Buddha comes from an acceptance of the transitory nature of life.

4- Canadian opinion seems to be tilting towards greater acceptance of homosexual marriage.

5- Young people use the popular expressions of their generation to gain acceptance by their peers.

6- His acceptance of the transfer to Raleigh is contingent upon his wife finding employment in the city.

7- The student submitted a paper to an Englishlanguage journal, and the result was conditional acceptance.

8- The athlete's acceptance of prizes from the competitions could affect his eligibility for amateur status.

9- The religion of Islam is the acceptance of and obedience to the teachings of God, as revealed to Muhammad.

10- I am writing to congratulate you on your acceptance to the position of vice-president of overseas operations.

11- My acceptance of the job is conditional upon receiving certain benefits, in addition to the salary we agreed upon.

12- The notion that animals are deserving of respect and consideration is gaining much wider acceptance in our society.

13- Charles De Gaulle originally vetoed Great Britain's application for acceptance into the European Economic Community.

14- Thousands of people from Vietnam and Cambodia wait in refugee camps in Thailand for acceptance into the U.S. Sathya Sai Baba once noted that each work has to pass through these stages - ridicule, opposition and then acceptance.

15- Hiroko has conditional acceptance into regular programs at the university, contingent upon her results on the IELTS exam.

16- Arthur Rubinstein once said that there is no formula for success except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.

17- The President's visit to countries with terrible human rights records could be seen as implying an acceptance of those countries' policies.

18- Toronto is a city of diversity and acceptance, not bigotry and hate.

19- One very important factor in this discussion, is that of acceptance.

20- Hinduism is notable for its acceptance of multiple pathways to truth.

21- 216097 Everyone is talking about her incredible Emmy acceptance speech.

22- Later that developed into comfort, then acceptance and finally respect.

23- In the grand scheme, it don't mean a thing. 5. Practice self-acceptance.

24- It's unusual to have silence indicate acceptance to terms and conditions.

25- If that is threatened by immigration, acceptance begins to fall," he says.

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