51- 406411 It's a nice play on the title of this signature Kermit song on alienation and self-acceptance.

52- As individuals, we must be willing to work actively in order to create that atmosphere of acceptance.

53- Indeed, in the span of a week or two, she's gone from defiance and humor to acceptance and contrition.

54- Not a resigned acceptance, but a joyful acceptance of the role I'm playing right now with my children.

55- Pushing for Burundi's acceptance of the AU force will be a key part of talks in Uganda on December 28.

56- Even in England such a concept had acceptance.

57- Incineration suffers from poor public acceptance.

58- Letter of acceptance to West Point Military Academy.

59- However, the Nite Owl slayings bring him acceptance.

60- But acceptance tests must be kept current at all times.

61- She proffers her angora sweater as a sign of acceptance.

62- Confused with the acceptance, Spinner and Paige have sex.

63- Unsolicited submissions have a very low rate of acceptance.

64- His Academy award acceptance speech: "This is unbelievable.

65- Although he hides his acceptance by continuing to bully her.

66- Characteristics Freeman's acceptance letter from Black Mesa.

67- Darien arrives at the tower, looking for love and acceptance.

68- She also thanked Chiaki Kuriyama during her acceptance speech.

69- The Sulzbacher Form, however, didn't find unanimous acceptance.

70- This theory of Euripides' invention has gained wide acceptance.

71- This report criticised the acceptance of the weapon into service.

72- They found better control, less hypoglycaemia and 95% acceptance.

73- acceptance Overall the track record of the Delphi method is mixed.

74- This love is unconditional and requires considerable self-acceptance.

75- Graves died in 1891, with Landmarkism at the zenith of its acceptance.

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