1- Portraits of cadets from the most important military academies of Europe.

2- More than half of all secondary schools in England are now academies.

3- But in many more academies, disadvantaged pupils did worse than those in mainstream schools.

4- The resort has all sorts of activities lined up for the younger traveler, from treasure hunts and face painting to sports academies.

5- Mr Gove told the House of Commons the funding agreements for these academies will now be terminated - with new sponsors lined up to take them over.

6- But it is an argument that has been fundamentally undermined by the game-changing emergence of state academies and free schools over the past decade.

7- 788279 The academy is one of three private academies in Norway.

8- There are academies at Dumfries, Annan, Moffat and other centres.

9- Pollet looked for academies to further his martial arts training.

10- Others had obtained instruction from private tutors or at academies.

11- At this favourable moment begins the history of the Roman academies.

12- The new program provides students with career pathways and academies.

13- Dozens of academies were founded in the area, supported by private donations.

14- National academies of Sciences and Engineering and National Research Council.

15- The academies and the Utility of Knowledge: The Discipline of the Disciplines.

16- Pupils have been relocated to Ayr, Kyle, Belmont, and Queen Margaret academies.

17- At that time there was still the intention to open the academies to teach karate.

18- Each state and territory also operation their own institutes and academies of sport.

19- After acquiring English proficiency, students transition to other Millikan academies.

20- The Federation has its main naval base and fleet academies in the Eta Cassiopeiae system.

21- Coast Guard, but there is a Direct Commissioning program for graduates of maritime academies.

22- After 1806, Prussia's military academies trained mid-level officers in specialist staff skills.

23- Prior to 1840, two private academies and one public school for young girls existed in the state.

24- Chicago has six public military academies, more than any other city and one-third of all in the country.

25- New York, Cambridge University Press, pp.31 Works cited *Yates, Frances A. 1983. "The Italian academies."

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