1- The subject is too abstruse to enlarge further upon here.

2- Some critics disliked the abstruse plot and deliberately enigmatic ending.

3- Choice A is abstruse which does mean secret or hidden.

4- About the symbolism of the Square is nothing abstruse .

5- Maths is a mix of abstruse theory and detailed calculations.

6- That's pretty abstruse , I'll admit.

7- They may well do, but for much less abstruse reasons.

8- So the Buddha did not talk about abstruse or occult things.

9- abstruse books fall into a separate category because of their expense.

10- To most people, this will seem pretty abstruse .

11- This is, after all, not very abstruse .

12- They were not boring, they were not abstruse or turgid.

13- This is called the abstruse identity.

14- Admittedly not all of the technicalities of the system are abstruse .

15- That geometry mathematicians today consider as unusual, abstruse and not strictly mathematically grounded.

16- He is often deluded because he finds explanations that are simply abstruse or fantastic.

17- The language is abstruse , the instructions are convoluted, the tables are confusing.

18- Pages abstruse I've never spent much time thinking about Ash Wednesday before.

19- Maria Hsia Chang regards Li's teachings on these subjects " abstruse ".

20- The abstruse imagery of his work has produced a large corpus of diverging interpretations.

21- Subjects were shown in a direct and dramatic fashion, with relatively few abstruse allusions.

22- He is highly accessible and tries not to get bogged down in abstruse legal jargon.

23- The most convincing reply to this apparently abstruse interrogation is to be found in Budapest.

24- Dear, dear! to think of finding such abstruse philosophy among the marshes and ditches!

25- His research is comprehensive but clear, exploratory but not abstruse , convenient but not ordinary.

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