1- The abundance is great cause for celebration.

2- The abundance flowing from heaven is enough.

3- This figure is used for attracting wealth abundance .

4- Science fiction comics were published in abundance .

5- Preston diagrams are thus truncated at zero abundance .

6- The increase in mammalian abundance is intriguing.

7- The abundance ratio of water is around 7.

8- A healthy farm produces food in abundance .

9- The technological building blocks exist in abundance .

10- These 12 baskets of leftovers were in abundance .

11- There is so much marine life here in abundance .

12- The indicators assessed provide current information on species diversity and abundance .

13- An abundance of wildlife and mountain flowers provide excellent photography opportunities.

14- It has connotations of abundance and fullness.

15- What he saw looking through my front door was abundance .

16- The country has an abundance of uranium ore.

17- Minnesota has an abundance of outdoor recreational opportunities.

18- Composition and relative abundance of mosquito species.

19- Books of content are available in great abundance .

20- There are an abundance of reliable sources available.

21- Bald eagles recovered to their former abundance many years ago.

22- A truly rich life contains love and art in abundance .

23- The second is the "children in managed abundance " group.

24- They vary widely in species diversity and abundance .

25- A large abundance of revelations taken alone does not disprove.

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