1- Strayer University is staying abreast of the top academic areas by providing students will several options based on their career choice.

2- His thoughts are extremely academic.

3- His academic achievements are impressive.

4- My interest in politics is strictly academic.

5- He is unable to concentrate on his academic work.

6- She always prides herself on her academic background.

7- We will be focusing on learning academic vocabulary in this course.

8- Informal language is not appropriate when you write academic papers.

9- We will be focussing on learning academic vocabulary in this course.

10- foilI like to have a deep conversation with a more academic person from time to time.

11- Could you remind me to call my academic advisor at p.

12- m.

13- tomorrow?

14- The course is set up in a way to improve students' communicative and academic skills.

15- Some universities believe that academic and athletic entities are of equal importance.

16- The university library subscribes to hundreds of different journals and academic publications.

17- The ESL program at this university is structured in two different streams: academic and communicative.

18- The university library subscribes to hundreds of different newspapers, magazines and academic journals.

19- Mahatma Gandhi once said, "I am not built for academic writings.

20- Action is my domain.

21- " domesticThe assumption that boys who play a lot of sports do not do well in academic courses is simply not true.

22- The course is structured in a way to improve students' communicative skills, in addition to their academic skills.

23- Averil Coxhead has noted that academic vocabulary tends to be connected to abstract ideas rather than concrete ones.

24- Averil Coxhead did a textual analysis of university books to find out which words appear most frequently in academic books.

25- The local high school has a peer counseling program where students give advice to each other on personal and academic issues.

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