51- Lerner thought this behavior might be an attempt to protect the psyche of people facing an abysmal, unrelenting amount of misery and despair.

52- And, besides, everyone knows second terms are abysmal.

53- And, besides, everyone knows second terms are abysmal.

54- The general standard of racing was abysmal.

55- His performance in the Diet ( parliament ) has been abysmal.

56- They increased allowances for students who had protested against their abysmal living conditions, and they permitted a degree of press criticism.

57- The Government's housing policy is abysmal.

58- It was only fit for crocodiles, not even for the abysmal species of human life she found there.

59- As the chart shows, it has failed abysmally.

60- The weather was abysmal.

61- The food was abysmal.

62- Woeful souls are wailing in an abysmal pond.

63- The general standard of racing was abysmal.

64- The heat was abysmal, and so, according to them, was their set.

65- Their abysmal start is second only to the 1986 season, when they lost their first 13 games.

66- Those are abysmal rates, and compared to inflation - the official rate is 2.4 % - you're losing money.

67- Dudley was recalled in 1587, and, despite his abysmal failures, was held in high esteem at court once again.

68- The film was so abysmal that I fell asleep.

69- Living conditions were abysmal.

70- Surely, even by the abysmal standards of these people, we can survive without this organised slaughter?

71- 2002, President George Bush labeled North Korea part of an "axis of evil, " primarily due to its aggressive military posture but also because of its abysmal human rights record.

72- They increased allowances for students who had protested against their abysmal living conditions, and they permitted a degree of press criticism.

73- The quality of life in the later years is often abysmal.

74- The film was so abysmal that I fell asleep.

75- It was only fit for crocodiles, not even for the abysmal species of human life she found there.

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