absurd side of all of this.27- To even consider">

26- "Friends that I call to make me laugh and look at the absurd side of all of this.

27- To even consider further reliance on fossil fuels is equally absurd, he explains.

28- It's absurd and it's become so internalized that people don't even think about it.

29- There is too, too much craziness and absurdity, only humor can get you through it.'

30- Netanyahu said he reviewed the deal at night, and that it includes "absurd things."

31- The absurd basis for the story is: What would happen if Hitler came back to Germany?

32- I think the "so-called experts" supporting the Constitutional Reform say absurd thing.

33- But the latest proposal from the lenders was dismissed on Friday as "absurd" by Tsipras.

34- These are huge cities that have absurd amounts of food thrown away every day, Ahmad said.

35- Yet it trades at just five times this year's earnings estimates, which is absurdly cheap.

36- What is unforgivable is that the absurd drama of the missing pole is not a one-off incident.

37- Sometimes absurdly silly and just as often grimly severe, but always aiming to be of interest.

38- 'One of the things we're striving to radically change are those absurd margins,' Resnick says.

39- Everyone in the world has noticed that Vancouver and Toronto house prices are soaring absurdly.

40- The absurd but highly-symbolic move comes just before the release of the latest "Star Wars" movie.

41- "A seven-way debate is going to be absurd, it's going to be like a Family Fortunes for politicians.

42- Everything is worthy of dissection, but that intense dissection often reaches a point of absurdity.

43- He added that "the absurdity of this strange and unprecedented dualism" within the party must stop.

44- A No-Spy Treaty is an inherently absurd proposition, as is the idea of "friendship" between nations.

45- Critics, meanwhile, say rewarding someone for not taking advantage of a service or payment is absurd.

46- 'It is absolutely absurd that a believer is prevented from living their religious beliefs,' he added.

47- The seemingly absurd act of collecting cloud is actually one of the ambitions that humans want to realize and have dreamed of for thousands of years.

48- Croce also rejects egalitarianism as absurd.

49- Most philosophers agree that this is an absurd conclusion.

50- His emendations, if often valuable, were sometimes absurd.

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